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North Texas

Aw, Sick!

After Thanksgiving break, there were only two training weeks before the next race in the Austin Distance Challenge. The Decker Half Marathon is only 5 km longer than the previous race, but it’s the hilliest race in the series. That said, I had a great race in the Run for the Water 10-Miler, which is nearly the same distance and had almost as many hills. And I train in the Hill Country. How hard could it be?

I promptly got sick. It lasted two weeks.

I was never “don’t get out of bed” sick; I still went to work every day. I tried running once and got so dizzy I worried about passing out. Considering I run in the woods at night, that could mean no one would find me before hypothermia set in. I took a week off from running after that.

Luckily, despite burning 1,000 less calories on a daily basis, I lost the weight I’d put on during Thanksgiving break. Being sick does a number on you! At least I’d be slim and light before pushing myself up and over the hills around Decker Lake. But unless the respiratory infection went away first, I wouldn’t enjoy it.

Dec 03, 2018
from Races

I am a carbon-based life form.


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