Summer Stats
With the entire ride over, here are a few statistics and rankings for an overview and a look back.
Total Distance: 3,674.2 mi.
Total Climbing: 79,221 ft.
Total Calories Burned: ~238,823 – equivalent to only 7.7 gallons of gas
Average Distance: 85.44 mi.
Average Climbing: 1,842.35 ft.
Highs and Lows
Longest Distance: 125.6 mi. - San Angelo State Park, TX
Shortest Distance: 36.0 mi. – Pocatello, ID
Top Speed: 45 mph - set at Fossil Butte National Monument in WY
Most Climbing: 5,059 ft. – Monticello, UT
Least Climbing: 302 ft. - Midland, TX
Greatest Net Elevation Gain: 2,232 ft. – Laramie, WY
Greatest Net Elevation Loss: 3,097 ft. – Hagerman, NM
Highest Elevation: 8,087 ft. – Just North of CO/WY border on Hwy 287
Steepest Grade: 25% - Spicewood Springs Road, only three miles from the finish in Austin
Worst Headwind: Laramie, WY
Best Tailwind: Logan, UT
Toughest Day: Branson, CO - Hills, headwind, heat, and 119 miles.
Easiest Day: Denton, TX - Flat and less than 40 miles.
State Rankings
Longest Average Distance: Colorado - 103.4 mi.
Shortest Average Distance: Idaho - 58.77 mi.
Most Average Climbing: Utah - 2,912.88 ft.
Least Average Climbing: Idaho - 761 ft. (to be fair, they were also short days)
Highest Average Elevation: Wyoming - 6,863.25 ft.
Lowest Average Elevation: Texas (part 1) - 1406.44 ft.
Best Roads: Colorado
Worst Roads: Arizona
Best State Border Sign: Colorado
Worst State Border Sign: Wyoming - didn't even have one
Toughest State: Utah
Easiest State: Texas (reprise)